Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Customize Me

Customization of bike will need a lot of planning, searching and also budget. It defends on you on how elegant your bike will be after working on it. Also your budget will be a big factor for your customization. 


First step will be on planning. What will be your plan for your bike or how would you make your bike transform. In planning there are lots of styles and design you could imagine. You will think of what will be your motif, designs, set-ups, and styles you'll be making.You should have a firm plan on your bike because once you start working you cant change your plan anymore unless you got a lot of budget.


Second will be searching. Where would you buy that? Where would you get that? These are the common questions you will going to encounter after planning about your bike. It will be more easier for you if you had a lot of friends that can help you find different parts you need. A lot of patience also is a must so you can collect all data you will be needing for your project bike.


This is the biggest fact you will need to consider on your customization. How much budget do you have? Is it enough for your plan? Sometimes you can get cheaper parts from others or just look for second hand parts. You can DIY (Do It Yourself) parts so you can save some of your budget.

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