Break-in or breaking in or sometimes called mechanical running is the process of giving the scooter an initial running period with light load, normal load or heavy load. This is done to make sure that all wearing parts are fitted. This is to produce the last bit size adjustment that will give them stable relation to each other. The manufacturers give some specific driving guidelines written on the scooter manual on how to break in the scooter. The focus of engine break in is to make the piston, piston rings and cylinder wall be compatible to each other. Experts varies different suggestion on how to break in your engine, some says that it is good for a hard break in while other says it is much good with light break in. There is no set of instruction for breaking in an engine.The users manual recommends light break in at first because the scooter break in is already done in the factory. I hardly recommend a Hard Break in for your scooter for a smooth and powerful results. Just remember to vary your speed while breaking in and don't stick to your speed. And also changing the engine oil in the right time should be strictly done.
The goal of engine break in is for the piston, piston rings and cylinder wall. When the engine is powered up, the piston rings between the piston and cylinder will begin to seal and smoother. For a few years, the requirements for the break-in of engine has changed because of improved materials and design used in the engines now a day. Today Chrome Bore engine are use rather than Steel bore. It is much easier to break-in a Chrome Bore because of its smooth cylinder wall.
There are important preparations and planning which must be considered before running the engine. Break-in can take place from a running vehicle or while travelling but sometimes used the engine stand way of break in. Engine stand break-in is the process of breaking in the engine in center stand and not moving. Heating up only the engine in a period of time. Engine preparation varies also due to the factors that there are different types of engine and some conflict on expert suggestions.
To prevent the increase of oil pressure in the engine, experts recommend to start with Revolution per minute or rpm and the run the engine for few minutes. There are also some problems that can be encountered if your break-in is not good. Some cases of these are worn out cylinders because of improper break-in. The oil dried because of too much pressure in the engine and the owner forgets to check it. Letting the oil dry while breaking is really a bad idea that's why you should always check for the engine oil level. Sometimes other parts are also damaged when there is a failure in the engine, this consequence should be avoided because it will cost a lot replacing some damaged part.
Comparing the break-in process now from the past years you will notice that the required time significantly decreased from months to days to hours due to some reasons. One of the reason is the company upgrade facilities that is capable giving better output on engine parts and assembling. Some manufacturers also perform break-in in the factory before releasing the unit to the market. They also perform some test for the engine to ensure its performance, durability and endurance. Other reason is the growing knowledge and experiments on how they can make a more easier, faster and reliable manufacturing. Science had help manufacturers a lot when it comes for performance output and how they ca make the product more useful.