Thursday, December 20, 2018


I will give you some general guidelines about on safety driving with your bike.

First thing to do is to check your bike before driving it for your safety. You can check the pressure of your tires, front and rear. You also wanna make sure that your oil level is good. Check it at the side of your engine or you can just open the oil dipstick to check it. Next is to check that all your signal lights are working, headlight, stoplight, brakes, horn and etc.

Warm your bike up and be sure that the operating temperature is normal, should be less than 200 degrees when warmed up.

When riding your bike these are the things you should remember.

Be Visible
Be aware of blind spots specially while riding behind trucks or any wide vehicles because they have troubled seeing motorcycles and had a long time time to react. Don't be afraid to use your horn when there are motorist that doesn't see you. You can also put some reflector decals to your bike to be seen easily by other motorist.

Proper Dress Up 
Always ware a protective gear for you. These will help you lessen your injuries in case of accidents. Wear quality helmet with light colors and also eye protection gear. Dress up bright to be seen easily. Choose long sleeves, jackets, pants, boots or shoes and also gloves.

Apply Effective Strategies
Give yourself space and time to react on what is happening on the road and also give the other motorist time to react on you. Watch for turning and stopping vehicles. Avoid weaving between lanes, you should stay on the lane where you are most seen by other vehicles. Use signals in advance to prevent conflicts from other motorist.

The last one is to follow all the rules in the road specially speed limits. And remember not to drive when your under influence of alcohols.

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