Saturday, February 2, 2019

Cornering Styles

Many motorcycle riders agree that Cornering is the essence of driving. Cornering skills may be enhance by practice but you would never attain perfection but with the exception of Valentino Rossi. These are some of the questions that you may ask.
What are the reasons and kinds of mistakes often made in corners? 
What can you do about it?
What are the tips you should learn? 
Reading about cornering is not enough, you still have to practise and practise to perform it.

In cornering, everything is important. From how you look through the corner in advance, how you brake in advance, how you start the corner, how you plan your line, how you sit on the motorcycle, how you start the corner, how you use the throttle and how you shift.

Learn to judge corners for you to be able to enter an unknown corner. The right speed and the right gear is also important when cornering. Trees and lamp posts can help you to judge a corner. There are also some signs that can help you judge the incoming corner and give you additional information on how you would enter it. Be better by experience and never force to fasten that learning process.

When you are in the track, always remember that you will have to be in the outside of the line. Choose the line were you are comfortable when you start to lean in. Your vision is key factor when entering a corner. Remember that before you enter a corner you should be at the right speed, right gear with the throttle slightly turned on and as much as possible lean in at the outside of the corner.

Not all corners can be always judge by the way you look at it. There are corners that starts easy the gets tighter. This is called as Vanishing point. There are warning signs so you will not be surprised but that is not always the case. Reducing your speed may help you to pass this corner.

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