Sunday, January 6, 2019

Riding Skill Techniques

The best skill to know in riding a motorcycle is cornering. Cornering causes some accident is mostly motorcycle riders. Cornering can be learned by practice and training. In cornering , there are things to remember and everything is important. Your sitting position, where and when to start the corner, the proper use of brakes and gears and how you look advance to plan your line.

First to know is how you judge the terrain you are going to enter. When you see a corner you would practically observe the surroundings by looking far ahead. Observing the nature may help you to be expert as you can see the road even without looking at it. Another thing is that when you are entering a corner, are you in the right speed. Remember to observe road signs in your way to the corner for other information like how sharp is the curve and specially the speed limit.

The perfect line through a corner depends on where you ride. If you are on the track, then your goal is simply to get as fast through the corner as possible. You should choose your line such that you can ride one fluent line from the point where you lean in, and such that you are able to accelerate easily throughout the corner. Keep at the outside line when cornering as possible as you can.

There are also corner that tighten as you enter. It is not possible always to judge a nasty kind of corner, there are so me road signs to inform you but not always the case. What to do when you are surprised with a tightening corner? You can bend your knees more and try to get to the middle part and a gently grab of the rear brake will help your rear wheel turn more. But remember not to panic that you may hit the brake so hard.

What is the right speed to enter a corner? A fast or slow one? The answer is the speed you are comfortable with. There is no right speed required unless seen on road signs that authorities set. Sometimes in some emergency cases there will be the time you will need to brake. The best way for this is first to use the back brake. If you are planning to use the front break always remember to hold the clutch for manual motorcycles before applying front brakes.

By concentrating on looking, and on the line through the corner, somewhere in the future, really get that higher speed. When you enter a corner at a slower speed than might seem necessary with hindsight, it only means that you needed the slower speed, and that is no mistake at all.

Always remember to take advance precautions in the road to ensure your safety and avoid accidents. Practice this techniques that this may help you a lot in some cases. You don't need perfect it just need to know how to apply the skills on your own.

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