Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Causes of Accidents and How to Avoid it Part 1

Owning a motorcycle always affiliates accidents. But these accidents can be prevented if you have the right knowledge on how to avoid it. Motorcycles features gives you some possible tools to avoid accidents. Good grip of wide tires, a very wide vision and with powerful brakes system. Here are some tips on how to use this features to avoid some common accidents.

Sudden Turn of Cars
Most common accidents that happen in some motorcycle riders. How do it happens? If the driver failed to see you or can't judge your speed then turning in front of you or in intersections may cause an accident. Commonly car drivers problem is that a motorcycle is hardly seen specially on blind spots or some distraction, sometimes driver tend to look for absence of another car or other large vehicle not motorcycle.

As a motorist it is your job to observe everything that surrounds you and get ready for any thing that may happen. You should always be ready to take immediate actions. Always practice and remember to keep distance among other vehicles and think in advance that they may turn in any time. Gaps in the road indicates that someone may come through even if you can't notice them. Always remember to observe everything. Are you in the right position? Are there gaps that can be taken in in case anything happens? Does your brake can handle a full force stop? Best thing to do in case of this situations is tho loose as much speed as possible even if it may takes time. This will be a great difference in case of collision to other cars.

Lowside Crash
This may happen in your motorcycle for some reasons. You hit a gravel, patch of sand, oil or water may cause your bike to slide. Sometimes may also happen in a sharp curve the you loose control on your motorcycle.

For beginners the best way to avoid a lowside crash is drive slow. Your not in the track and not in for a race. Also remember that whenever you go in always slow down and then go fast if you see all the way through. There are also some advance skill that can help you but need training from experts before applying it. Trail braking is one of this skill. How to apply trail braking? It is applied when you use a front brake and the force is applied forward that makes your front tire to widen size up. Doing this may help you some obstacles in the road. Always drive in the center right part of your lane. This is the safest part of the road for motorcycles. You can avoid oil leaks from cars that is commonly spilled in the most center and the outer right side is where dirt gathers. 

Over Speeding
Yes your motorcycle had the power but wait, are you in a race? Some accidents really happen because of the driver itself. Your negligence to keep yourself safe is a bad habit. Running in a full speed may give you some trouble and may cause accidents. just think about it, your running at a speed of 120-140 kph then a car suddenly split to your lane is your brake will be enough to avoid collision? With that speed it is very impossible for you to apply a full stop and then cause you injuries or worst death.

If you are not in a rush to something why don't you try to run in a slow and constant speed. If you plan for a more faster way of transportation your choice of buying a motorcycle is wrong. Always remember that a motorcycle is not surrounded by a box of metal or any steel that can be thrown far without damaged. Life is priceless so you should take care of it.

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