Thursday, January 31, 2019

Carburetor Poor Acceleration Performance

You accelerates so slow and sometimes no power in your engine? Or you are not contented in the acceleration performance of your motorcycle. Check for the carburetor for this may cause this problem. It may be repaired with some simple tips and ways. 

The main problem in this case is that the fuel and air mixture supplied in the engine is not enough that results in low combustion performance. Commonly the reasons vary from adjustments, fuel type and dirty or clogged passages. Low fuel distribution will result low combustion power. Worn or damaged jets that minimize the supply of fuel may result poor acceleration performance. Some malfunction in other systems may caused also this problem. Dirty carburetor or even dirty fuel may result this problem. Clogged or plugged passages and bowl vent may overflow. Or there maybe an air leak in your inlet system that causes improper mixture of fuel and air.

This problem requires a lot of time and need a lot of work too.Mostly adjustment must take place and some test must be run to ensure if the acceleration performance is in the right level. Experts in carburetor tuning and fuel and air mixture adjustments are required to make sure that the carburetor is tuned in the best way that it can produce the perfect mixture for your engine. From combination of fuel and air to the combination of jets is necessary. Clean also for plugged and clogged passages and make sure that you are using a clean fuel type. You or a mechanic can correct and adjust all system more power efficient output for your engine. Repair and replaced all damaged or worn out parts for optimal performance.

Carburetor Poor Fuel Economy

Do you consume a lot of fuel in your motorcycle tank? Or the fuel consumption of your motorcycle just increased that much. Maybe you may have some problems in the carburetor or fuel system. This are some cases that can cause your poor fuel economy.

First to check is the adjustment of all your jets, needles and screw if they are adjusted in the right way. Engine may consume a lot of fuel if your idle adjustment is very high. Air jets and needle jet should also be checked if there are worn out or damaged parts or any clogged passages. Even the piston vacuum also may cause this problem if malfunctioned, or the whole piston assembly malfunction. Any leak in your carburetor will waste a lot of fuel, remember to check for any leaks in the carburetor, check if the drain plugged is close tightly. Also check for the hose if there are damaged or worn parts. The riding style may also cause high fuel consumption. Unnecessary revs in your engine and high speed riding is not good for your fuel economy.

To fix this problems I recommend you to clean the carburetor. For the adjustment of the screws, fuel levels and jets, if you don't have any knowledge about this you can bring this carburetor to mechanics that is expert in adjustment and troubleshooting. You should replace all worn and damaged parts if there are required to be replace. I don't recommend to repair the damaged parts but there is available repair kit that mechanics use to repair the carburetor system. Be gentle in riding on your motorcycle to improve the fuel economy and avoid unnecessary revs.


Checklist before signing the paperwork for your new Scooter:
  • Visual Inspection, is this the scooter you thought you were buying?
  • Check every panel for scuffs, scratches and marks.
  • Start the engine.
  • Check all lights, indicators, gauges and the horn. Turn the headlights on and check that they aren't pointing too high (as best you can). While you are checking the lights, ask if the replacement bulbs can be bought at a petrol station. If they can't, it's probably a good time to buy a spare set.
  • Sit on the scooter and "play ride", indicating, braking etc (for as long as you can without feeling stupid). Remember stupid is a relative thing. Think how stupid you will look hitting the kill switch instead of indicating while doing an overtaking man-oeuvre.
  • Be aware that your tires are likely to be brand new. Take extra care because they will not have full grip (especially in the wet) until they have been bedded in a bit. Check that they are correctly inflated.
  • Spin the front wheel to see if the speed meter is working.
  • Good quality dealers will often clock up a couple of dozen kilometers bedding in the tires and testing the bike on your behalf. However check the speed meter, if it has what you think is excessive kilometers on the clock you should find out why. A scooter however does not have 100 Kilometers on the clock. If yours does it is not a new scooter and you should either demand a replacement or a hefty discount.
  • Paperwork. You should get a owners manual and a warranty book. The warranty book should have the dealers stamp, engine, chassis and model details at the barest minimum.
  • It is best to flick through the pages and insist that ALL sections are completed.
  • Keys, there should be at least two sets and a note of the key number.
  • Additionally, before you ride off... Have a quick read of the running in section, to start off on a good foot.

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Overflow in Carburetor

Sometimes you will encounter fuel that spills out from your carburetor. You will notice that there is fuel flowing from the drain hose even the drain plug is close. Then you are encountering an overflow in your carburetor. How does an overflow happens in your carburetor? There are lot of reason that may cause this problems. I will tell you some of the reasons and how to fix it.

First is to check for your float bowl. There are are some cases that when the float bowl is damaged, worn or have problems may cause overflowing. Loose screws in the float bowl may also result in overflow in your carburetor. The float bowl maintains the fuel level in the carburetor and if damaged will cause some problems in your carburetor. The float assembly will leak if there are problems in the system like damage O-ring or even if the inlet valves are worn and dirty.

This is very easy to fix but be sure that you have the knowledge on how you can disassemble and assemble your carburetor. You will just need to open your carburetor and clean all the passages and other parts of the carburetor to make sure that there are no clogged passage. Check for damage or worn parts and you should replaced them immediately. Check also the condition of installment like screws and hose. Adjust all necessary parts to correct all the levels you need for the carburetor to work properly.

This are some tips that can help you if you encounter an overflow in your carburetor system. Have time to read and hope that it may help you someday.


This is a device that combines or mix fuel and air for your engine. It is the one that supplies your engine the right amount of fuel and air mixture for a perfect combustion. This time carburetor are being replaced by fuel injection systems but still lot of motorcycle models have this carburetor system installed. Mostly carburetor system is much better than other fuel system, come to think of that almost all of mechanics out there really master the carburetor system in automobiles industry. That is why I prefer this type of fuel system cause it will lessen the time in case of troubleshooting, knowing that there are lot of mechanics that master the carburetor.

The question will be, what will happen when your carburetor malfunctions? Do you have any idea on how to know its problem and how you can fix it. It is important that you still have knowledge about carburetor troubleshooting even if the basics only. Lots of motorcycles experience a lot of problems when it comes in carburetor system. Maybe you also encounter some of this problem too. Just remember that the proper care for your fuel system will help to extend its life span and gives you the performance you would like for your motorcycles.

I will discuss some of the problems encounter in fuel system and some tips on how you can fix it in case it happens. Read the problem topics on my blog and I hope that I can help you even in a small way.

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Engine Tuning

Is your engine hard to start or you consume a lot of fuel volume? Your engine may need a tune up. Engine tuning is the adjustment or modification of your engine control unit. This is done to improve the performance, durability and fuel economy. From different engine parts like spark plug, carburetor, valves and other components are adjusted to its best performance. Sometimes there is a situation where you need to detuned your engine in exchange of more fuel economy or more power output.

Tune-up is the service offered by mechanics and manufacturers to reach the engine specification. It is needed periodically to make sure that your engine gives the best performance it can. You can also tune your engine depending on your taste and on what performance you want. Failure to perform this activity may cause some damage to your engine and really gives you a bad performance.

There are times when you will know that you need to perform a tuning on your engine specially when your engine starts hard. It is cause by low fuel and air mixture that the carburetor should be tune up. Valve clearance should be meet to make sure that the opening of the valves are in timing when the reciprocating engine works.

Sometimes failure to tune your engine in the right time may cause an overhaul where your engine is removed and disassembled. This is to done to perform a full refresh or check up on your engine. Replacement of different parts like piston rings, gaskets, oil seals and bearings is recommended when the parts are worn out. After this overhaul is performed to your engine it may give the performance of a new engine.


Hydrolock is the condition where the compression of gas is prohibited in the main engine chamber. Hydrolock occurs when there is a high volume of liquid inside the chamber and enters the engine while the piston is in its end stroke. Too much volume of liquid that is not compatible with the engine cylinder volume results the piston to not complete it travels in the chamber and a failure will occurs. When hydrolock occurs there are lot of possible parts to be damage in your engine.

The damage may be greater when you are travelling in a high speed. Common problems that can happen are damage from connecting rods, engine block and head, crankcase or even bearings. If there is a great damaged that happens after hydrolock, replacement of the engine will be sure to be done. In case that you are traveling at low speed or getting to stop then a hydrolock happens, the damaged may be lessen. You can just unscrew your spark plug and let your engine turn to eliminate the liquids on the engine chamber.

In terms that when you have to start the engine and there is a hydrolock in the engine chamber, the engine won't start and will not damaged the engine but may burn your starter or spark plug. You can drain your engine from liquids for troubleshooting but if this liquid cause rusting in the chamber, the repair may cost a bit higher. 

Hand Signals

Hand signals are very important when driving. This will be your way of communication from other riders and can add safety to others. There are lots of hand signals use but there are also basic hand signal that a rider should know. I will teach you some of the basic signals that you should know before riding. I hope that it will help you when riding specially with others.

There are two turn you usually use when driving, the left and right turn. To signal a left turn while driving, place you left hand horizontally parallel to your shoulder pointing to left and palm facing down. When signaling for a right turn, put your left arm out, bent it at 90' and your fist are clinched.

You should know when to speed up and slow down when you are driving. How you would know if others want you to slow down or how you will tell others to speed up? To slow down, your left arm extended straight out with palm facing down and swing your arm down to your side. In speeding up, your arm is also extended straight out while palm is facing up and wing it upward at your side. When you need to stop, bent your arm 90' downward and palm is facing back.

To prevent accidents you should be aware of hazards in the roadways like uneven pavements. To tell other riders that there is a hazard in the road place your feet pointing on the way of the hazards. It will depends on what foot you will use depending where the hazard is.

When you see a hand pointing upward with fingers pointed, the rider inform you on what file is to be done. One finger for a single file and two fingers for double file.

If there are cops or checkpoints ahead in your way, you can signal your co riders by tapping in the top helmet with your palm open.

Share to others how did you know this hand signal like what I did to also give knowledge to other riders for additional safety when driving. Hope that you find it helpful.

Chrome Plating

When you have chrome accessories on your scooter it is very nice to see how they glitter under the sun. Normally lot of scooter and other motorcycle owner pick the chrome accessories for some reasons. Chrome is easy to clean and add a special look on your scooter. Chrome really adds a benefit or advantage to your scooter. People tend to stare on your scooter when it has chrome accessories. The shine and beautiful look of your scooter with chrome is really a big deal. The best way to flatter a rider is to compliment how its motorcycle look.

Chrome plating is also a choice for you if you really love chrome in your scooter. Normal parts to be plated by chrome are the scooter wheels. This is the first part to come in your mind when you heard about chrome plating. Chrome plated wheels have lot of advantages specially when it come in cleaning. IT is easy to clean chrome plated parts and really saves a lot of time and energy. Do no more scrubbing and other cleaning techniques. 

The best benefits of chrome plating is that it adds a lifespan in your scooter parts. Chrome is a metal that is plated to your scooter parts and serve as a shield or protector. It prevents corrosion from different parts and make it less prone to wear even with long use. But there are also some disadvantages when using a chrome plated parts on your scooter. This are some disadvantages that I read about chrome plating.

Other riders that chrome is not good for your scooter specially when driving in daylight. The shine of your chrome parts from the direct sunlight can reflect to other motorist that you meet in the road. This reflect can make other motorist dazzle from the chrome glitters. Also chrome plated parts gets hot when direct sunlight hit it. This is why you will need to wear protective gear to prevent you from getting burned.


Scooter fairings varies in several types like material and design. They are placed over your scooter frame or chassis to protect it from any airborne hazards. This fairings also serve as protection for your engine from different road hazards and helps to protect your scooter from any weather condition. It also reduce the air drag and prevents it when you are in a crash. This is the primary protective gear of your scooter and also by the rider. This is why you need to choose the best material that you can trust when it comes in its durability and strength.

You can get some fairings that is custom made depending on what style, design and material to be use. It is important that you choose the best material that can last longer and can serve you and your scooter for a long time. There are lots of material that is best when it comes to durability like the carbon fiber or chrome made fairings. This materials cost a bit higher that others but will ensure that you can use them for a long time. The design and style you will use should be unique to fit your choice and scooter perfectly. With custom made fairings, your taste and design is the priority of the manufacturer.

You can also add some additional fairings to your scooter on what design you will choose. Customized fairings is know being known in the market and use by a lot of riders specially when you are planning for an entry in a motor show. The fairings of your scooter have a big impact on how people see the look of your scooter. It is the most seen accessories of your scooter that is why it is important to preserve and take a good care of it.

Monday, January 28, 2019

The Backfire

What is a backfire?

Backfire is the combustion or ignition produced by running engine that happens in the exhaust system rather than inside the engine. It can produce loud sounds or flames in the end of the pipe when the unburned fuel is ignited outside the combustion chamber.

What are the reasons why engine backfire?

There are several reasons why this backfire occurs on your scooter engine. This reasons differ on what causes this backfire like when shutting the engine, carburetor tuning, fuel components or even when the installation of the muffler is inappropriate.

The most typically reason why engine backfire is when the engine is rapidly decelerated. This deceleration in the engine can cause backfire in the way that the remaining fuel in the exhaust system is ignited by the hot muffler. This also occurs when you shut your engine while at high RPM. Your fuel components may include a higher blend of alcohol that is very fast to ignite causing your fuel to be ignited even if it just touches a hot surface. Carburetor tuning is inappropriate that causes the fuel and air mixture to overflow the chamber resulting backfire in the muffler. The muffler installation may also cause this problem in your engine when the muffler is not mounted properly. The last reason is the engine timing. Example is when the spark plug fires at the wrong time, resulting to ignite the fuel and air mixture while the exhaust valve is not yet close.

To resolve this problems, you may work on some tips and guidelines that can help you fix your scooter engine backfire. You can practice to idle your engine down at the proper speed to allow your engine to cool some before shutting the engine. Fix the tuning of the carburetor and make sure that the right tune is acquired. You can ask for experts to tune your carburetor in its best. Fix the timing of your engine from valves to spark plug to make sure that all process are done in the same time. You can also change your fuel choice to non-alcohol fuel to lessen the possibility of backfire in the engine. Check the muffler if its mounted in the way that it fits the exhaust port and do not let any air to pass through.

Engine backfire is not bad and will not harm your scooter engine but still should be fix for efficient, convenient and relaxing travel along the way. It is not good to hear your engine backfire while driving. The best way is to set your engine at its very best to ensure best performance for your scooter.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Electrical Problems

This is a common problem on some scooters and motorcycles. Your electrical wirings as you can see is prone to rain and dust. There are issues that can affect you scooter if encountered problem with your electrical connections. Failure to use your lights like signal light, headlight and tail light even halting your engine. Your scooter electrical wirings is like the nerves of a human being, all of the command you want to your scooter will be pass on by this system. That is why it is important to maintain good condition and connection on your wiring system.

The first thing to remember is ask yourself. Do you have knowledge on this wiring system if your are planning to make some changes on your wirings. Whenever you have to make changes or cut some wire or even add some connections, remember and make sure that you are doing it right. Wrong connections in your wiring can cause your bike to be on fire. When working on a wiring system in your scooter make sure to check all the ends of the wire that they are properly taped after being cut. Short circuits may happen if you ignore loose wires or damaged wires.

Also to be consider is the battery condition. There are two types of battery used in scooters, the maintenance battery and the maintenance free battery. Check your battery regularly from damaged and wore bolts, also check the condition of the battery like its charge and fluid level. Check also your fuse and regulators for damages. Replaced all damaged parts of your wiring system.

To make sure that your scooter wiring system is in good condition, it is better to ask those with full knowledge about your scooter wiring system. In terms of your wiring system is totally damage, there are wiring harness available to be bought in case that you need a replacement.

High Fuel Consumption

Does your scooter consume high amount of fuel ? If it does, your scooter might have some problem causing your fuel consumption go high. There are several reasons that occurs which result this problem. I will give you some tips and checklist to make sure that your scooter has good fuel efficiency and economy.

1. Check your carburetor. There are 2 thing to be check in your scooter carburetor. First is check if your choke lever is in normal position. If the choke lever is misplaced it can cause your scooter to consume a lot of fuel. In case of early morning starting of your scooter and your engine is cold, it is necessary to use the choke to make the engine starts but be sure that to place it back after use. Second is that check your carburetor tuning. Adjust your carburetor to the very best tune to make sure that it only supply the right amount of fuel to you engine. Also please add the checking of the drain plug of your carburetor for loose threads and clean your carburetor in case that it is dirty.

2. Check your scooter tires. Make sure that your tire is in the right amount of pressure to ensure the smooth travel. Flat tire or lack of pressure can increase your fuel consumption. Causing your scooter to slow down even if you are in a high throttle place. Check your tire for punctures, pressure and traction.

3. Maintain proper riding. Don't intend to ride you scooter very hard or push it to its limit. Unnecessary accelerations or braking can increase your fuel consumption and even worst is lessen your engine life span. It is important to maintain your bike in a good condition specially when riding. Check for brake drums and pads to make sure that there is no unnecessary braking happening.

4. Maintain proper changing of oil. This is just a small factor but still need to be remembered. Changing your oil and maintaining your engine in good condition help you in getting good mileage.

5. Check your air filters. This is one common problem that may cause high fuel consumption. With normal use in your scooter you can change your air filters in every 20000-30000 km. but need to be change frequently when you ride in more dusty road or terrains.

This are common and small factors that can affect the fuel economy of your scooter. Remember and consider all this factors so that you can save more and you help your engine to increase its life span. Proper care can save a lot by avoiding wear and malfunctions. 

Flat Tire Problems

If you are a rider you already encountered a flat tire while travelling. Time consuming and hassle full specially when you are in a hurry. Now a days the use of tubeless tire is vogue, with thick tire surface it prevent punctures of small sharp objects to pass through the tire but if you encounter punctures from long sharp objects. Different industries now offer a new product that will help you to save time from having flat tires.

The use of tire sealant is now the latest way to prevent being bother by this flat tires. With this new product you will not need to find someone to seal the puncture of your tire anymore. When I first heard about this product I actually got excited to try it on my scooter tires and test how effective it is. The best thing about this tire sealant is it saves you money, time and keep your driving stable on the road. It also helps your tire efficiency and expand the tire's life. Have you imagine while driving and suddenly hit something sharp in the road and you don't even notice because it does not cause you any hassle.

Or just imagine that while you are driving at a constant speed and got a flat tire, usually the control on the motorcycle will be hard because of the vibrations and shaking of the handle. Compare it when you are driving with a tire sealant installed in you tires, it will give you the confidence and safety while driving on road. Tire sealant is not hard to apply because it is just like a water to be injected in the tire.

If you doubt about the safety of the tire sealants, I can assure you that this product is safe. This product is non-flammable and will protect your wheels and mags from corrosion and oxidation.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Exhaust Total Care

Almost all of us want to make our exhaust pipe look new as possible even if it had been used for a long time. Normally in the case of exhaust pipe in our scooter it tends to change color specially the elbow part because of heat produced by internal combustion. You can't always clean the pipe line every time after use. So what will be the best way to preserve the appearance of your exhaust pipe.

Heat management is one of the best way to use to prevent the discoloring of your exhaust pipe. This is the way where it reflects or absorb the heat to prevent the components of your pipe from heat soak. There are lot of heat management ways that can help you like heat shield, ceramic paint, thermal barrier coating or heat wrap. But for our scooters, the best way to use is the heat wrap. It is the most cheapest way and very easy to apply. It has been used for a long time to protect the exhaust from burns. This heat wrap is a high temperature synthetic fabric that can be wrap on the elbow of your pipe.

Maybe you will be asking why is this important in your scooters. Maintaining the exhaust pipe appearance is not the only reason why I recommend this to use. Heat management can also help your scooter to boost its power and efficiency. But this does not increase the power output that much. You preserve and maintain the good appearance of your exhaust pipe and in addition add more power and efficiency to your engine.

There are lot of heat wrap that is sold in the market. You can purchase it to any motorcycle parts shop and apply it by yourself by wrapping it in the pipe elbow.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Continuously Variable Transmission

What is a CVT or a Continuously Variable Transmission? It is an Automatic transmission that can change gear ratios depending on vehicle speed, engine power or RPM and load. Engines have different RPM range where they deliver engine best power and engine efficiency. Its purpose is to allow the engine operate in an optimal power for varying driving conditions. It consist of three different components, a Primary Clutch, Secondary Clutch and a Belt. The primary clutch has two faces which are the stationary sheave that is connected at the engine crankshaft and a movable sheave that works in and out to engage the belt. The same with the secondary clutch is has also a stationary sheave and a movable sheave.

Lets start with the Secondary Clutch, this is where you can find the flyballs or rollers and ramp plate locations. As the throttle is depressed, the engine revs increase, centrifugal force pushes the flyball weights outward and up the ramp-plates surface. This will cause the sliding variator to move toward the outer fixed pulley half. As the variator slides closer to the Secondary Clutch it applies pressure to the drive belt that sits in between the angled faces of the front pulley half and the variator so that it forces the belt out to a higher gear ratio. This is the basic operation of the Secondary Clutch. Higher engine top speeds cause the belt to go outward changing the gear ratios.

Moving onto the Primary Clutch, has a center spring that holds together the halves of the Primary Clutch. Center spring is a large and powerful spring that make sure that the gearing is at correct level. Its has also three clutch springs that allows the clutch to bite. The front half of the Primary Clutch is placed under pressure by the center spring to make sure that the best gearing is at best tension. There are angled grooves that the pulley travels on, this is to ensure that the gearing ratio is not affected by the belt travelling at high speed.

Flyball Combination

This flyball or rollers are cylinder shape like that is installed in the drive pulley. Its purpose is for the acceleration and top speed of your scoot. This flyball also comes in different weight or size. The size will depend on how you will like your scooter to run. Is it with high acceleration or with a high top speed. Combining the size of flyball will vary in different reason, from the weight of your scooter, the rider's weight, your engine power, center spring RPM and tire size. A drive pulley is installed with 6 flyballs in its slot, this will help the pulley on how it will work for the scooter. Combining their weight and size is much harder than you think. It takes lot of test and combination to perfect the size of your flyball that will suit the scooter. Let me give you some tips on how you can combine your flyball depending on your scooter and your weight.

Generally speaking heavier flyball gives you a higher top speed but considering the scooter weight that the flyball can be lighter or heavier. Usually ended up choosing from 9 grams to 13 grams flyball. Combination is a bit confusing but can be test from pulling some combinations from your own. You can also combine different size but for the maximum of 2 size only, example is you combine three 10 grams flyball and three 12 grams flyball. It is recommended if you want to balance your acceleration and top speed. But remember that heavy flyball can make your scooter loose its acceleration. Try different combinations and hope that you will find your right taste of flyballs sizes.

In terms of lighter flyball, they gives you high acceleration but bot that high in means of top speed. Best sizes for small riders and light scooters. The size will vary from 7 grams to 9 grams and will depend on your choice of combination. Try to vary the size by 1 gram each combination so you can come up with a combination that is suitable for you and your comfortability while running.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Anti-lock Braking System

The anti-lock braking system (ABS) is a safety system feature that allows driver to have a control on its wheels to prevent locking up and skidding. A much faster braking that a rider could manage. Driving in some roads with hazards is very dangerous but knowing that you are equip with an ABS it will ensure you the safety and improve control to your motorcycle. The ABS was recently improve and release a version with new feature which is controlling both front and rear brakes. It is known also as emergency brake assist. While stopping with your front brake the ABS will also release a signal to the rear brake to add more grip for your faster stopping.

The locking of wheels is a very dangerous threat to a rider safety. Knowing that brakes is one of the features that a motorcycle has that protect you from having a contact with other vehicles can also cause you an accident. I have some news heard and read that there are also lot of accidents due to wheel lock specially the disc brake. But with the new braking system it will lessen the accidents because of the lock wheels. A very fine safety system that really increase the safety feature of the vehicle. But do you know hot the ABS works?


The ABS is electronically controlled by a ECU or the electronic control unit with speed sensors installed at the front and rear wheel and valves that control the pressure of the hydraulic. Lets start the discussion about the operation of ABS. While the motorcycle engine is off the brakes works as a normal brakes but when the motorcycle starts to move, the system starts the transmission of the hydraulic pressures to the input pressure sensor. When the rear brake is applied, the generated pressure is detected by the input pressure sensor in the valve unit and the hydraulic pressure line between the valve unit and power unit is close. Informations such as input strength is sent to ECU and the signals sent on the ECU is transferred to the power unit. As a result, the motor in the power unit operates and transmit the hydraulic pressure to the caliper to activate the rear brake. At the same time, signals from in the ECU are sent to the front power unit and the front brake is activated by the inter lock system. The valve unit in the front brake acts also at the same manner with valve unit in the rear. When the rear brake pedal is depressed more harder the hydraulic pressure also increases and when the wheels are about to lock, an electric signal from the speed sensor is sent to the ECU. The ECU activates the motor in the power unit which decreases the hydraulic pressure applied to the caliper. The hydraulic pressure is again to be increased to apply the rear brakes. This process is carried out repeatedly until the motorcycle stops. This type of brake control gives you an awesome and smooth travel ride.

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Power

I want to do a comparison between two types of engine. The 2 Big Valve engine compared to a 4 valve engine. I decided to write about this topic because I can see a lot of scooter owner now really power up their engine and among them, there are lots of 4 valve engine users. Why do they pick this type of engine and what is their difference with the other type of engine. Also lot of scooter owners that power up their scooter choose the big valve to replace the stock one. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this engine. Through this post I hope that you could learn more about this type of engine and may help you to choose your desired engine type.

Let start with the Big Valve engines. This engine type is almost similar with the stock one but the difference is that the valves and ports are bigger. This big valve and ports helps to provide more power by mixing fuel and air in much large amount than the stock valve. In return this engine also higher fuel consumption compared to the stock. Adding fuel consumption for the exchange of power is really good for those who travel in long distance. From this modification you can really achieve a great hp and mileage in the high ways. Larger valves increases the breathing capacity of your engine but really need a good modification. Always remember that if you would try to modify to big valve there are still other things to consider. First is the supply of the fuel and air to the engine, with a bigger valve and port the engine will need to gain the right amount of mixture. The common problem with this is the one that supply the fuel and air. Yes, the carburetor itself. When you modify your engine to a big valve, commonly your mechanic will tell you that you need a much larger supply of fuel and in that case you will need to buy a new carburetor that can supply the fuel needed. From 26mm carburetor you will change to a bigger carburetor, maybe 28mm or 30mm will do.

In case that you don't have the budget to afford a new one other modification will do, adjusting your old carburetor to supply more fuel. This can be done by enlarging the jets of the carburetor. The other one is your exhaust system. Is your exhaust system can hold the power that your engine gives? Stock pipes are not good with this type of engine because it will not allow the engine to breath enough. Change your pipe to a power pipe with much bigger elbows and exhaust tip. You can look for some power pipe on market and they come available depending on the power of your engine. Best engine type for all riders that loves to travel a lot at long distance.

In terms of using the 4 valve engine will really cost a lot. This type of engine really comes with a high price but absolutely give you the power you expect. Best engine type for those who loves great power response. The 4 valve engine has 2 intake valves and 2 exhaust valve making improvement for the the fuel and air mixture. Also 4 valve engine has much larger surface are that creates or gives more combustion potential. 4 valve engine is much powerful than the big valve but also needs a lot of supply of fuel. The 4 valve is not that expensive but the one expensive is the parts to be added to the engine. Tappets, cam breather, springs, rollers and other. Mechanic also recommend to use a radiator for the 4 valve to help for the cooling system of the engine. Really reliable for heavy long travels ride and will sure you that it will never give up till dawn. This type of engine is great in style, cost more than any type but still give the best power performance for your scooter. A good maintenance can keep your 4 valve to last for a long period of time. 

About on what you have read above, I hope it helps you to choose what is right for your taste. It will be your choice on what engine type you would choose. A Big Valve engine with the slight fuel consumption and better power performance or the 4 Valve engine for high fuel consumption and best power performance. Take a time to think for the best choice. The budget also will be one thing to be consider if you plan for an upgrade engine. There are lot of brands to be chosen. They varies in price but be sure to choose those with high quality and great durability. For me they are just the same, maybe the type of use will define the performance you will need for your scooter.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Group Riding Tips

Planning to ride with your group? There are some tips and guidelines you should know before the day of the ride. This tips can help you and your co-riders  to have a fun and great ride. This is the group ride all about, sharing the view and joy with other members.

First is to organize your ride. Form a group to talk all about the information about your ride, destination and the distance. Ask your group or other member to meet in a parking lot or meeting place to show where is the destination and to get the contact information of each other. When you start riding be sure to drive only in the speed you are comfortable. Don't ride any faster that you can do and always think about the safety of yourself and others. When planning for the alternative stop overs, you should consider and know the stamina of each member and also the condition of their motorcycles. If it is a long ride remember to have few breaks while you are in the way.

Always keep in your mind that you don't want to be the reason of stopping by the group for some problems. Before going in a ride check all the mechanical system of your motorcycle. Keep the level of gas in your tank and all maintenance should be time in time. Problems can be prevented along the way if you know how to take good care of your motorcycle.

You will need to communicate with each other with signals. Learn the basics about the signal use and riding. Keep the riders who have experience in riding at the front to guide those first timers. The leader should adjust to the pace of the new riders and remember that the sweep should have all the communication access to all members, for the purpose of some problem happens like motorcycle malfunction or some accidents. Never to fixate on the motorcycle in front and always remember your training. If the group speed is above your comfortability zone don't be afraid to have your own pace. Arriving at destination with few minutes behind is better than riding in an uncomfortable way. Always remember that you are riding for fun.

It is better to form a small group of riders so that you can easily navigate other streets. Your formation in the road is also important, always keep distance from the motorcycle in front and at your back. Never ride at side-by-side because it will lessen your space and will make you to maneuver harder. Always let other rider to maneuver at their own will in case of emergency. When entering sharp curves, intersections or rough surface road always make a single line, this will allow you to avoid foreign objects in the road that you don't see. Follow the motorcycle in front of you as they know what is ahead of them. And the most important is to follow the rules in the road. Blocking other cars in the intersection is prohibited.

Ride Safe. Buckle Up

Join a Rider Club Now!

Want to join a group or a club but doesn't know what group to join? Having doubt if you are ready to join a group? Joining a group is very easy and full of fun. When you join a group you can know lot of things you didn't know for the time. They can give you more information about your bikes or scooters. In formations on how you manage to make your scooter last long, driving tips and techniques and also some lessons about motorcycle.

I am a member of club here in our country and having fun with my "paps" that is how we call each other. My group is almost well know in the whole country and getting more bigger. Our group is the Mio Owners Republic and I belong to the Bataan Chapter. Getting involve in a group really helps me to learn more about safety, techniques and suggestions. Also gives me the opportunity to have more friends. So why do't you try to join your own and enjoy having a group and being a group member.

There are groups that conduct seminars in different topics that suits for you as a rider. This is one of the benefits of being in a group. You can attend a lot seminars to help you learn more. In cases of emergencies like engine trouble there are other people that you may ask for help. You can call them for help and you would not mind where to find help. There are also groups that have different activities like helping others, recreational and other activities. Forming a brotherhood, family, friends or framework in which riders can achieve their common goal.

Having a problem in membership? You should not think a lot about because joining a riders club is so easy. Participating in events and some activities may help you to be member faster. some club offers form to be fill up and fee for you membership. There are also test offered and varies in different kinds. If you are accepted as a member you will receive a patch representing your club and have the permission to add or ask other people to join your club too.

In the end, you as yourself will decide if you really want to join a club. I am the one telling you that it is fun and exciting being in a club. Just try it, nothing will be gone if you try. Compare riding with yourself and riding with friends. You can see the difference.

2-Stroke VS 4-Stroke Engine

Maybe from past days or years you have own a 2-stroke engine motorcycle or if not you have seen someone owning one. Even scooters are available in 2-stroke and 4-stroke engines. The question will be, how the 4-stroke is better than 2-stroke? Why does manufacturers now stop launching or releasing any 2-stroke engine motorcycle anymore? This question will be answered in this thread and hope to help you to find for the information you are looking for.

First of all lets define what is the meaning of the word "stroke". Stroke is the movement of the piston in the cylinder back and forth. The length of the stroke will be determined by the crankshaft or the distance travel of the piston in the engine cylinder. The 2-stroke engine has two strokes to complete a power cycle. The end of the combustion and beginning of the compression stroke happen simultaneously, with the intake and exhaust stroke occurring at the same time. This is a contrast when it comes with the 4-stroke engine that needs four strokes to complete a power cycle.

Advantages and Disadvantages

2-strokes have a high power performance in comparison with the 4-stroke. Also the 2-stroke has few moving parts that makes it lighter and simplify their structures. This engine type also have a low cost for maintenance. The disadvantage of this type of engine are lot more than its advantage. This engine type don't last that longer and lubrication is needed for the mixture of fuel gas. Poor lubrication may caused the engine to wore out even more faster. It may cost a little bit that it almost consume a gallon of oil in every 1,000 miles. The fuel economy with this engine is not that good as part of the mixture leaks out in the exhaust port because the intake and exhaust process occurs at the same time, making more pollution than other engine types.

The 4-stroke engine has better fuel efficiency than the 2-stroke engine. Less pollution and you can save more in terms of fuel consumption. You don't have to buy gallons of oil to keep it working that help you also to save more. This engine last longer than 2-stroke and durable for use. Has more torque making your engine quitter and more reliable performance. The disadvantages are 4-stroke engine cost much higher than the 2-stroke, maybe because of the materials and components use also its system. 2-stroke engine has more power making the 4-stroke only with half of its power in comparison. This engine is more complicated because of some additional parts in the mechanism like valves. Making this engine hard for troubleshooting and cost more higher.

Ride For a Cause Project

 By the last few months we and the other chapters plan to have an activity for the year of 2015. Lots of meeting was held, from the main Administrators and President to all of the chapter leaders. After all meetings the group comes up with a Ride For a Cause activity. The activity was to raise a fund for school supplies and other things that will be given to Aeta children studying at Elementary level. Different members and chapters was given their own task and events to be host by them. All the chapters raise fund to buy the school supplies needed and thankfully came up with the fund needed. The group start to make an activity like this and soon to continue this project to other regions. The project "Ride It and Donate It" plan is to start with our chapter and later to other chapters to. This project aims to help some secluded areas to provide school supplies for unfortunate people.

Helping others is lot of fun and adventure. Travelling to secluded areas is really exciting and full of thrill. Seeing the smile and joy of the unfortunate children really gives an overwhelming feeling. It's my first time to join in this project and I enjoyed it so much. The ride last for a day, we're all tired but still, a great smile is worn in our faces. We're all seem to look happy and satisfied for this well done project. We're looking forward for more successful activities for us to 
be fruitful and satisfied as we help unfortunate people. The group is growing fast and hopes to help more other people from different places here in the country. Think Fast, Ride Safe and Buckle Up guys.

Friday, January 18, 2019

How 4-Stroke Engine Works

Most of us have heard about a 2-stroke and a 4-stroke engine, but do we all know how really this engine works? Every vehicle needs an engine to provide the power for the said vehicle. The combustion that happens in our engine is responsible for the power we get from the vehicle that make it run. I will explain some of the details and information about a 4-stroke engine. First I will tell you the parts of an engine and then explain how these parts accordingly with the other parts.

Engine Cylinder
This the part where the combustion of the fuel and air mixture happens. This is a space where the piston travels. Commonly engine cylinders are typically cast from cast iron or aluminum before proceeding in a machine that polish the cylinder. Most cylinders now are made of Aluminum that really helps for faster and easier break-in. In the process of break-in of the engine, a simple irregularities in the break-in period may cause a ware in the cylinder sleeve. If later on it continues to wear the cylinder sleeve, you will come up reboring. Reboring is the process were you need to increase the diameter of the cylinder and piston rings.

Engine Valves
The one that control the timing and mixture of air and fuel that flow to the engine. The one also responsible for the outflow of burned gas after combustion. There are two type of valve, the intake valve and exhaust valve. The valve have components when installing in the engine, the stem oil seal, spring and the lock that holds the valve in its place.

Spark Plug
This is the one that transfer an electric current in the main chamber that ignite the fuel and air mixture.

The part that converts reciprocating motion to rotation motion. This part is the one responsible for the push and pull movement of the piston connected by connecting rod.

Engine Piston and Piston Rings
A component for reciprocating engines or compressors. The piston is the part that moves to compressed the expanded fuel and air mixture inside the cylinder. Contains of piston rings usually compression rings and oil seal ring. These ring help the piston for covering and uncovering ports in the cylinder wall.

Connecting Rod
In an engine this part is the one that connects the piston to the crankshaft. With the help of the crank they form a simple mechanism that converts reciprocating motion to rotation. Its the one that push and pull the piston inside the cylinder.

These are the parts that is responsible in the combustion process inside the cylinder. Now I will explain how a 4-stroke engine works. There are 4 cycle in the process of combustion, the intake, compression, power and exhaust.


When the piston move downwards the intake valve is open and allows the flow of fuel and air mixture inside the cylinder. With the help of a cam lifter it will push the intake valve to open and keep the exhaust valve close.


In this cycle the piston moves upward compressing the mixture and the pressure produced by the compression shuts the intake valve. The piston move upward compressing the mixture and until before it reach the top part of the cylinder...


At the end of the compression stroke before the piston reach its highest peak the spark plug  ignites producing electricity that burns the compressed fuel and air mixture. The force produced by burned gas pushes the piston downward.


When the piston reach the bottom, the exhaust valve and the piston upwards to push out the burned gas form from combustion. Then the cycle repeats and repeats.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Transmission Battle

Which do you prefer to use, a manual transmission or an automatic transmission motorcycle? Which is better between the two types of transmission? What are the benefits that you would get in these types of transmission? Lets start with what is the difference between these transmissions.

Manual transmission is the transmission that uses a driver-operated clutch engaged and dis-engaged by hand lever, for regulating the torque transfer from the engine to the transmission and a gear selector operated by foot. You are maybe familiar with these kind of transmission as you can see a lot of this type of motorcycle operating in the high ways. In terms of operation, the manual transmission is a little bit hard than the automatic, requiring for some practice and training to learn how to shift gears.

Automatic transmission is a type of motor vehicle transmission in which as the vehicle moves gear ratios is automatically change, giving the rider to tide more convenient without having to shift manually. Normally operated with a belt and torque drive placed inside a crankcase and gears are installed just near the rear wheel. In terms of operation, automatic it so much easier that manual operation. Just like a operation of Squeeze-and-Go.

You can notice that if you go for a bike in a dealer the cost of manual compared to automatic really vary a little cheaper. Thinking on how much you can save in buying manual transmission rather than automatic. Same way when it comes with the maintenance. Even your mechanic wii tell you that its much easier to repair a manually transmission motorcycle. The cost of the repair and parts are also much cheaper than parts from automatic motorcycle. MT( manual transmission ) can travel for long distance without any problem, just need to change your oil and have a check up for you engine.

Learning to drive a motorcycle is easy specially with automatic transmission but there are some reasons that MT is much better than AT. When you stop in an intersection and you are driving a manual transmission you will just need to change your gear to normal and wait for the green light, while when it comes with AT you will need to hold your brakes while waiting with the green light. Holding your brakes will ensure a safety for you. Another is that there is a special feature for a manual transmission that an automatic transmission don't have. An engine break or the third break for the manual transmission. This is a great feature that really add a safety for the rider, specially for the time that there are emergencies that we don't expect.

It is your choice on what will be the transmission system you will choose. Each have benefits for you but in different way. But always be sure when buying a motorcycle is to make sure that you prioritize your safety and convenient.