Friday, November 30, 2018

Keep The Engine Breathing and Cool

Scooters need a constant flow of air just like we do. Aside from fuel, air is the next essential ingredient in keeping your engine running. The air needs to be coming into the engine continually, without restriction and without debris.

Air filters keep all the outside junk like bugs, leaves and dirt from getting inside of your engine. Over time, these filters can get clogged with dirt and need to be replaced. Depending on your driving habits and road conditions, an air filter can usually last a long time. But if the filter is allowed to get too dirty and not doing its job efficiently, it can either starve your engine for oxygen, let in too much junk or both.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Check For Engine Leaks

You don't have to be a mechanic to spot a leak. In fact, sometimes you don't even need to see it you can just smell it. Oil and antifreeze are the two main fluids you want to make sure aren't leaking out of your engine.

Intense heat and pressure will eventually cause engine hoses to fail. Rubber engine hoses that are old and cracked can leak antifreeze or other fluids that your engine requires. Other areas that often leak are where two parts join together with a rubber seal and silicon. Over time, these seals can break down and allow oil or other fluids to leak out of the engine or cause them to leak fluid into the wrong areas of the engine.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Fill Up Your Gas Tank Before It Gets Too Low

Gasoline has a certain amount of sediment in it that settles to the bottom of your gas tank. After years of driving around and many fill-ups, there can actually be a fair amount of junk at the bottom of your fuel tank. Your fuel filter will catch a lot of this sediment and keep it out of your scooter's fuel lines and your engine. However, if you consistently run your scooter all the way down to empty, you're pulling from the bottom-of-the-barrel and all the extra junk that's accumulated there.

If the sediment gets through the fuel filter it can get into the engine and cause internal damage. It puts debris in areas where it shouldn't be and causes your fuel system and other parts of your engine to work harder. Some people recommend keeping a half-tank of fuel at all times. You may not want to fill-up that often, but make sure that you're not running the gas all the way down to empty. Your engine will thank you for it.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Keep Your Belts On

No we're not talking about dressing etiquette. We're talking about the rubber belts on your engine that run all sorts of vital components. The function of a belt can vary from scooter  to scooter, but some of their main responsibilities are running the fan, water pump, alternator and air conditioner. You don't need to know what all those things are, but you do need to know that the belts on your engine run at least some of them.

If your engine is on then your belts are running. In other words, they get a lot of use. They typically last a very long time, but eventually they will start to show signs of wear and begin to crack. If your belt breaks while you're driving it can cause major damage to the engine. Check your belts by turning them over slightly to see if they have any visible cracks in them. A squealing or spinning belt may also indicate that it needs to be adjusted or replaced. Stay on top of your belts and you'll ensure your scooter runs a whole lot smoother and longer.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Replace the Fuel Filter

We mentioned earlier about how the fuel filter protects your engine from harmful sediment and particles in the gas. The fuel filter catches any particles or debris that would be harmful to the engine and keeps it trapped in a canister, much like your oil filter does.

If the filter hasn't been replaced in a while, then it's a good idea to change it to keep the engine running smoothly. If your filter is easily accessible, this repair won't be too difficult, but some filters may be hard to reach. If you can't access your car's fuel filter, take it to a mechanic to be replaced.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Go Easy on the Start and Stop Driving

Your engine is built to run, but it runs much better and tends to last longer when it's run at a continuous speed. Imagine running in a race where you constantly went from a full sprint to a dead stop every few minutes. You'd wear yourself out by picking up speed only to force yourself to slow down to a standstill every few minutes. Your engine gets worn down in the same way. Constant stops and starts, like those that you can experience in city driving, are really hard on your scooter's engine.

Change the Spark Plugs and Wires

One simple way to proactively protect your engine is by changing the spark plugs and wires. The wires running from your distributor send an electrical current to the spark plugs which then generate a spark to ignite the fuel and air mixture in your cylinders. They get a lot of use and they can cause your engine to run really rough if they get too old.

Changing the plugs and wires is typically not a difficult procedure and can be done with little investment in both time and money. Most manufacturers recommend changing them every 3,000 miles (4,828 kilometers), but some can go a little longer. When you change your engine's spark plugs make sure to change the wires at the same time to ensure you're getting the best electrical current to the plugs. If you change the plugs and wires regularly, your engine will love you for it. It's a move that'll keep your engine firing consistently and your gas mileage up at the same time.